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Can sewing make magic?
Yes, if it’s done by kind-hearted Grandma Rose.
A well-stitched tale about generosity for people of all faiths.
—Kirkus Reviews

*Also available in Spanish La magia de la abuela Rose

Grandma Rose’s Magic
Author Linda Elovitz Marshall
Illustrator Ag Jatkowska
Publisher KarBen/Lerner
January 1, 2012
ISBN-10: 0761352163
ISBN-13: 978-0761352167
Every day Grandma Rose sews and saves – for beautiful dishes with pink and red roses and blue trim. Whenever she sews, something magical happens. A tale of generosity rewarded.
“My Grandma Rose really did sew and she really did save. She made beautiful things…and she made a lot of people very happy. I’m so glad to share her story.
Grandma Rose and the
dishes she saved for.

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